Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 326 - 330 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

14 Apr 2008

Funders Tell Transition Forest of Dean and Local Authority “You Need to Work Together”


Here is an amazing story from the Forest of Dean, sent to me by Sue Clarke, which tells the story of some amazing developments taking place there. It demonstrates how seriously the Transition approach is being taken at high levels, and how effective focused action can be. It will be very exciting to see where it all goes and what happens next, and many thanks for Sue for sharing this wonderful story with us.

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2 Apr 2008

Health and Sustainability: Two Events on Peak Oil, Climate Change and Healthcare

docHealth and Sustainability’ was a fascinating event, in two parts, which began to explore the implications on healthcare of peak oil and climate change.  The first part was an online webcast held at Plymouth University, where the four speakers gave 10 minute online presentations and then discussed the issues raised online in a chatroom format.  The webcast (I refuse to use the term ‘webinar’ which was used in the publicity!) turned out to be the most popular one that the University has ever run, with about 50 people from around the world, including New Zealand and the US, logging on to take part.  It demonstrated new technology at its best, and offered a tool which could greatly reduce the amount of air travel that is required for communication.

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27 Mar 2008

Positive Energy: creative community responses to peak oil and climate change. Day 5. Megan Quinn & Jonathan Dawson

meganI realise I am proving a fairly hopeless Positive Energy blogger, as I am already a day behind with my blogging duties (Rowan is being far more productive than I!), so I will try and catch up. On arriving at Findhorn it was suggested to me by Jonathan Dawson that I might in fact tear up the presentation that I had brought with me and instead do something which reflected the journey that the event took me on. It turned out to be a great suggestion, but it did mean that most of yesterday afternoon, the Open Space sessions, I missed, as I was working out my presentation. The morning, however, featured two wonderful presentations, by Megan Quinn (left) and Jonathan Dawson.

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18 Mar 2008

Review of Transition Handbook from New Internationalist magazine

thbk“Since its inception just two years ago, the Transition movement has grown with a surprising rapidity. There are now nearly 40 official Transition Initiatives around the UK and some 600 at more formative stages around the globe. Put simply, the idea is that the twin challenges of peak oil and climate change mean we will be living lives that are less energy intense and much more local in the near future. Rather than impoverishing us, this change will actually lead to better well-being and more fulfilled lives. But we must start to design the change for ourselves now rather than waiting for the current system to collapse.

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11 Mar 2008

A Third Review of The Transition Handbook

thbkReview of The Transition Handbook. By Robert Morgan.

The “converging crises” of peak oil and climate change are spawning an increasing number of popular books. These include grim forecasts of the consequences such as JH Kunstler’s The Long Emergency and Mark Lynas’s Six Degrees, explorations of alternative scenarios requiring massive government policy change such as Richard Heinberg’s Powerdown and George Monbiot’s Heat, and fiction such as Kunstler’s World Made by Hand.

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