Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 271 - 275 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

8 Sep 2009

Responding to Ted Trainer’s Friendly Criticism of Transition

trainerTed Trainer (right, author of, among other things, the utterly indispensible ‘Renewable Energy Cannot Sustain a Consumer Society’ just published a long and detailed piece which offers his thoughts on the Transition movement.  He sent me an earlier draft which I, in return, sent him some detailed thoughts on.  Given that the final published piece didn’t seem to take on many of the points I sent, the comments I wrote still stand as a response to it, and I offer them below in the hope that they offer a reasonable companion to Trainer’s considered piece.

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7 Sep 2009

An Open Letter to the Queen

Letter from London QueenI was honoured to be one of the signatories of a letter which was sent to the Queen last month, a response to the British Academy’s letter to her which sought to address her question as to why no-one had seen the economic meltdown coming.   Here is the text of the letter in full.

Open Letter to the Queen: 14th August 2009

Your Majesty,

We, the undersigned, noted with interest the letter to Your Majesty of 22nd July 2009 from the British Academy in which they respond to your question about how the current economic meltdown was missed. They talked of a “failure of the collective imagination of many bright people” and a “psychology of denial”.

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Discussion: 13 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Economics, Energy, Peak Oil

2 Sep 2009

2012 and the Return of the Alarmingly Gullible

sunrise2I spent a few days last week at the Sunrise Off the Grid Festival near Shepton Mallet.  I had been invited to go and give a talk, and went along with the Hopkins family en masse.  It was a small and intimate affair, with some great things; the Transition area in the Tin Village was fantastic, the talk I gave went fine, the weather was mostly kind, and it was all quite relaxed and pleasant.  I haven’t been at a festival since 2007’s Big Green Gathering, and there was one key thing I noticed that has changed since then, and which left me feeling very uneasy and with a profound sense of disquiet, so I wanted to give it some attention here.  It was the alarming rise of the 2012 doomsters….

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1 Sep 2009

The ‘Eco Worriers’ Explore the Art of Gentle Persuasion

Here’s a great 10 minute programme, the first in the ‘Eco Worriers’ series, which looks at powerdown issues from a very particular, and very entertaining, perspective. Definitely worth a watch.

Eco-Worriers: Episode 1 from Daf Palfrey on Vimeo.

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29 Jul 2009

Transport in Transition. A Guest Piece by Peter Lipman.

Transformation Moment: low carbon travel.

cyclingHow, and how far, will we travel if we make the changes we need to in order to thrive in a carbon constrained society? For a range of interlocking reasons, the conclusion of this paper is that we will be happier, healthier and more resilient if we radically change from our current patterns to ones that fit into a relocalised world. In that world we will travel far less far and fast, overwhelmingly walking, cycling and using public transport.

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