Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 266 - 270 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

11 Nov 2009

Transition Taunton Town and their local Council produce a Transition Vision for 2026

tauntonJust realised I hadn’t blogged about this yet. It is an extraordinary story, one which we might regard as an example of best practice in terms of how Transition initiatives engage their local authorities.  In effect, Transition Taunton Town got over 350 staff from the local Council to create a vision for the future of the area.  You can download their plan here, but here’s how it was described over at Transition Network News.

“Something historic happened in the summer of 2009 in Taunton. A UK Local Authority decided to take a whole staff approach to their responsibility for tackling the community’s carbon footprint and dealing with the potential effects of climate change and Peak Oil.

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7 Nov 2009

The Transition North Conference, with audio files….

north1I travelled up last Friday to Slaithwaite in Yorkshire for first Transition North conference, which was supported by the Co-operative and attended by people from the Transition and Co-operative movements across the North of England. It was a wonderful day. Dynamic, positive, creative and very well attended. Hosted at the Civic Hall in the town, it was supplied with wonderful local food, and was very well organised by the Transition Marsden and Slaithwaite group.

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29 Sep 2009

A Letter from a Friend in Africa

wegerif5Marc Wegerif is an old school friend of mine from when I grew up in Bristol.  After school he moved to South Africa and was very involved in activism there, and he now lives in Tanzania and works for Oxfam.  He recently got back in touch and I sent him a copy of The Transition Handbook.  Subsequently he sent me a long and thoughtful letter, with his reflections on the book, and on how it might relate to Africa.  The whole question of what Transition might look like in a developing world context is something we have rarely explored at Transition Culture, and Marc has given me permission to reprint his letter here by way of initiating that discussion.

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28 Sep 2009

Attack of the Killer Mutant Leek Moths

leekmoth3Last year I grew fantastic leeks that stood tall and proud in the garden through the winter months and underpinned many a meal.  This year I got them in good and early, and they were looking wonderful. This week though, something has gone horribly wrong. From being proud columns of dark green leeky goodness, they have begun to crumble before my very eyes. Starting somewhere around the middle, they are being turned into slimy ribbons, eventually being reduced to stumps. This is not good.  What ails my leeks?

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28 Sep 2009

Miliband to Unveil the ‘Low Carbon Communities Challenge’

lowcarbchallTransition Culture can reveal this morning that Ed Miliband will announce today, at the Labour Party conference, the ‘Low Carbon Communities Challenge’, a programme which may well be of considerable interest to some Transition initiatives out there.  You can download the introductory letter here, and the full information pack, including application forms, here.   The introductory letter explains the Challenge thus;

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