Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 191 - 195 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

26 Sep 2010

Stroud’s Open Eco-Homes: The Movie!!

Here’s a short film from the recent Open Eco-Homes event in Stroud… my thanks to Philip Booth

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Localisation, Resilience, Technology, Transition Initiatives

23 Sep 2010

Bring Me The Woodburning Stove of Alfredo Garcia….

As someone who was just weeks away from installing a woodstove into my house, I was fascinated, as well as somewhat horrified, to read an excellent paper by Nick Grant and Alan Clarke called ‘Biomass – a burning issue’, published by the Association of Environment Conscious Builders (AECB).  Their arguments are convincing.  They open with a quote from David Olivier, who writes that “biomass boilers are an expensive way to make climate change worse and reverse over a century of public health improvements”.  Strong words.  The writers, both of whom heat their homes using wood, set out to investigate whether Olivier was right, rather, I sense, hoping he wasn’t.  “It would have been much easier not to write this”, they state, but on balance, I am deeply grateful that they did, as it is a fascinating and very important piece of work.

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20 Sep 2010

Celebrating the New Totnes PV Array with an Energy Fair!

Totnes Civic Hall, now graced with 75 photovoltaic panels...

On Saturday Transition Town Totnes held one of those events that feels really celebratory and somehow like it marks a significant step forward in the whole Transition process (well, in Totnes anyway…).  The Transition Streets Energy Fair was designed to celebrate the new photovoltaic installation on the Civic Hall, to inspire a new round of recruitment for Transition Streets, to provide the public with access to a range of renewable energy installers and information, and to raise the whole profile of renewables and energy conservation.  It did all of these, and more, in a very well-attended day with a great buzz.

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15 Sep 2010

More Reflections on the Big Society: from the Development Trust Association conference.

I spent yesterday at the Development Trust Association (DTA) conference at the Derby Assembly Rooms.  A fascinating day, including an interesting look at Development Trusts globally, participating in a workshop about Low Carbon Communities, and meeting some fascinating people, as one always does at such events.  The highlight for me though, and something of interest given recent discussions here at Transition Culture, was a debate about the coalition government’s ‘Big Society’ agenda (see the end of this piece for an event Transition Network is running soon to explore its implications).

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Localisation, Politics, Resilience, Transition Network

13 Sep 2010

A Report from the Launch of the Totnes Renewable Energy Society

Last Friday, in Totnes Civic Hall, saw the historic launch of the Totnes Renewable Energy Society (TRESOC).  A key piece in the relocalisation of Totnes and district, TRESOC offers members of the community the chance to buy into their own renewable energy company.  The evening started with Cllr. Tony Whitty, the Mayor of Totnes, who put the work of TRESOC in the context of the town’s wider spirit of being a pioneering town, a spirit now embodied in its identity as a Transition Town.  He mentioned the 74 photovoltaic panels now adorning the Hall as part of the Transition Streets initiative, which will be formally ‘switched on’ at the Energy Fair next Saturday.  TRESOC, he told the nearly-full Civic Hall, is another key step towards enhancing the sustainability and resilience of Totnes.

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Economics, Energy, Localisation, Resilience, Technology