Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 186 - 190 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

8 Oct 2010

‘Transition in Action’: the Totnes EDAP Reviewed

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s ‘Ingredient’ which looked at Energy Descent Action Plans, here is a detailed and fascinating review of the Totnes one by Michelle Colussi, from i4 magazine.  It offers some excellent insights and well informed commentary on the Plan, and argues that it should really be thought of as an ‘Invitation’ rather than a Plan. The Totnes EDAP is still available here.   You can download the pdf. of this article (beautifully illustrated) here. Our thanks for their permission to reproduce.

The Transition Totnes Energy Descent Plan.  By Michelle Colussi.   

The Transition Town model is a series of steps or ingredients for engaging a whole community in the process of reducing reliance on fossil fuels. The model assumes that life with less oil is inevitable, and that making the changes required is up to us – to you and me. It also assumes that everyone needs to be part of the solution. Residents of Totnes, England first developed the model in about 2005. Today, close to 500 communities around the world have adopted it and are recognized  as “Transition Towns.” An international Transition Network has formed to connect these initiatives and support training related to the model. 

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4 Oct 2010

Ingredients of Transition: Street-by-Street Behaviour Change

Strategies that bring people together with their neighbours to explore carbon reduction on a street-by-street level are very powerful. They can be a great way, through the support they offer, of tackling POST PETROLEUM STRESS DISORDER and providing EMOTIONAL SUPPORT/ AVOIDING BURNOUT. Being part of such a group has been found to increase PERSONAL RESILIENCE, while at the same time offering a powerful tool for MEASUREMENT, gathering hard data about very real carbon reductions. Finally, these tools are excellent AWARENESS RAISING methods.

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4 Oct 2010

A September Round-up of What’s Happening out in the World of Transition

It’s October already, so it’s time to share September’s Transition activities from across the world…  we have lots of news from Transition groups in the Netherlands. Their Renewable Energy Project has 75 households involved in it, which between them will have about 800 solar panels on their roofs in the coming spring. Also their first Local and Interest Free money project was launched at the end of September, and they also recently held a Post-fossil Festival, with lots of interesting activities going on. Their ‘Share your stuff – with people you trust’ social website, launched in August, has seen 688 people share 832 goods…wow! They’ve also been making ‘eatable façade gardens’ in the heart of the old city of Deventer, and there’s a great video too:

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4 Oct 2010

That 10:10 film… not in my name….

Oh dear, oh dear. I had seen Frannie Armstrong’s newsletters talking about a forthcoming promo film for 10:10 being made by Richard Curtis (Notting Hill, Love Actually etc), but actually got to sit down and watch it last night. I have to say I am shocked, and appalled by this, and I’m on their side! The reaction to it has been largely negative and the whole saga entirely self defeating, the very people it was presumably meant to invite to be part of 10:10 feeling understandably judged, revolted and assaulted by it. If you haven’t seen it, here it is, you’ll need to have seen it for what I am going to write to make any sense….

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30 Sep 2010

Presenting: Transition Streets…

Here is a short promotional film made about Transition Streets (premiered at the recent Energy Fair), telling the stories of some of those who have got involved…

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Energy, General, Resilience, Transition Initiatives, Waste/Recycling