Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Archive for “Climate Change” category

Showing results 156 - 160 of 474 for the category: Climate Change.

16 Feb 2011

Energy Cities report explores Transition in Kinsale

Here’s something you might find to be a useful resource. It is a study produced by Energy Cities called “Governance and Vision: Visions of Cities towards a low-energy future”. It contains a very good section on Transition in Kinsale (although they perhaps didn’t get that Kinsale is a town, not a city…). It contains several other interesting case studies, and is available to browse online in that format where the pages actually turn over before your very eyes, as well as making the sound of a turning page, a format that I still find amazing and am quite awed by.

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Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Energy Descent Planning, Localisation, Peak Oil, Research on Transition, Resilience, Transition Initiatives

9 Feb 2011

A Review of ‘Localisation and Resilience’ by Frank Kaminski

Localisation and Resilience at the Local Level: The Case of Transition Town Totnes (Devon, UK)
By Rob Hopkins
475 pp. University of Plymouth, Devon, UK – Oct. 2010. £15.00; available only in PDF at

For several years groups of innovative, environmentally conscious people worldwide have been part of a social change movement called Transition. It strives to create relocalized communities that are resilient to the looming climate and energy crises, and in which “the future with less oil could be preferable to the present.”

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7 Feb 2011

Social Enterprise in Action two-day workshop, Totnes.

From my experience of going to different events which promote the concept of social enterprise, it is clear that the idea that social enterprise can be used as a driver for decarbonisation and economic localisation is a very small but emergent part of the social enterprise ‘scene’.  It was therefore timely and fascinating to spend 2 days in Totnes last week exploring, in a collaboration between Transition Network, Local United and Transition Town Totnes, the role social enterprise and entrepreneurship might play in building resilience at the local level.

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31 Jan 2011

Open Space Day about Dartington’s Land Use Review

It’s been a while since Transition Town Totnes ran a big community Open Space event, so it was great to facilitate an event on Saturday which focused on the question of how Dartington Hall Trust should use its land beyond 2014.  Dartington is one of the major landowners adjoining Totnes, and it has been engaged with the Transition process here since it began.  In June 2007 an event called ‘Estates in Transition’ brought together landowners from across the South West to look at how their land management might change in relation to peak oil and climate change.  At present the 742 acres of farmland on the estate is leased to a dairy farmer who retires in 2014, so a Land Use Review has begun to begin planning what happens next.  I represent TTT on the Review, and one of the things I offered was to facilitate an Open Space day in the town to get the views of the community.

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31 Jan 2011

Lucy Neal on Transition and the Arts

Here’s a talk given by Lucy Neal of Transition Town Tooting filmed at an event called ‘Ready to Change’ in December in Ljubljana, where she talked about Transition, the role the arts can play in it, and the work of Transition Town Tooting including last summer’s Trashcatcher’s Carnival.  Great stuff…

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