Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

4 Apr 2013

Dr. Sarah Wollaston MP on the Totnes Local Economic Blueprint

Here are the thoughts of Dr. Sarah Wollaston MP on the Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint, which was published last week.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Dr. Sarah Wollaston MP on the Totnes Local Economic Blueprint

Categories: Community Involvement, Energy, Food, Localisation, REconomy Project, Social enterprise, Transition Initiatives

3 Apr 2013

Lynette Sinclair of Tideford Organics on the Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint:

Lynette Sinclair runs Tideford Organic Foods on the Industrial Estate in town, and last week I visited her to ask for her thoughts on the Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint.  Here’s what she had to say:

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2 Apr 2013

A taste of the future in the Community of Dragons


You’ll have seen ‘Dragons Den’ on the TV.  Five successful entrepreneurs sit in a row, each with a  pile of cash in front of them, and one after another people come in front of them to pitch their business ideas to either be humiliated, ridiculed or fought over as the Dragons seek to outdo each other for the best ideas that come through the door.  As with so much in our culture, it’s about competition, the strong surviving, the weak being the laughing stock in clips on YouTube in perpetuity.

Last Friday I had a taste of a very different kind of Dragon’s Den, one that is still giving me goosebumps when I think about it, and about the potential I saw there.  Last Friday was the second Totnes Local Entrepreneurs Forum, organised by Transition Town Totnes and the REconomy Project, and it was quite stunning. Here is a short film I made about the day:

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Discussion: Comments Off on A taste of the future in the Community of Dragons

Categories: Community Involvement, Economics, General, Localisation, REconomy Project, Resilience, Social enterprise, Transition Initiatives

29 Mar 2013

The District Council’s perspective on the Totnes Local Economic Blueprint

South Hams District Council took an active role in the creation of the Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint, so I sat down with Richard Sheard, Chief Executive Officer at SHDC and began by asking him why he thought the Blueprint matters.

You can download the Blueprint here, and see the first review of it here.  Have a good Easter.

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Discussion: Comments Off on The District Council’s perspective on the Totnes Local Economic Blueprint

Categories: Community Involvement, Economics, Energy, Energy Descent Planning, General, Localisation, REconomy Project, Research on Transition, Resilience, Social enterprise, Transition Initiatives

28 Mar 2013

Local Economic Blueprint highlights potential of community resilience

bpcovToday sees the publication of what may well turn out to be one of the most important documents yet produced by a Transition initiative.  Over the next few weeks we will be returning to it, to hear a range of perspectives on it, and hope it will generate debate and discussion.  The document is the ‘Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint‘, and you can download it for free here.  The Blueprint is the first attempt that I am aware of to map in detail a local economy and to put a value on the potential benefits of an increased degree of localisation.  If you like, it identifies “the size of the prize” of Transition.

Here Fiona Ward of the REconomy Project introduces the Blueprint:

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