Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

31 Oct 2006

The Importance of Honouring our Elders…

s1I was touched by the news a few days ago that geneticist and environmental campaigner David Suzuki is to retire from activism. According to an article on Yahoo News, Suzuki is to retire to the Canadian wilderness to carve wood, fish and relax. At 70, after a life dedicated to promoting environmentalism through talks, TV programmes and books, Suzuki has had enough. Energy Bulletin suggested that activist burnout was at least partly to blame for his decision. I think at 70, whatever you have dedicated your life to doing, you are more than entitled to put your feet up a bit and go fishing. For me, the news raised the issue of whether we in the environmental movement are actually very good at respecting and honouring our elders.

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30 Oct 2006

TTT Turns Its Attention to Building.

Building EventsThis week Transition Town Totnes turns its focus to building and to housing, with 2 events. This Wednesday evening at 8pm in St Johns Church in Bridgetown is an event called **”Building Locally; the potential of natural building materials”**. The speakers are Rob Hopkins of Transition Town Totnes, Gareth Walton of the Devon Sustainable Building Initiative, and Jim Carfrae, the builder of a gorgeous strawbale house in Totnes. The cost is £3. The second event

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Discussion: Comments Off on TTT Turns Its Attention to Building.

Categories: Community Involvement, Localisation, Natural Building, Peak Oil

30 Oct 2006

Exclusive to Transition Culture! An Interview with Paul Mobbs

**“Less is a Four Letter Word

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27 Oct 2006

TTT Energy Open Space in the Local Paper.

newspicJust thought you might like to see this, a rather nice write up of last weekend’s Open Space Day on Energy, together with a picture of Totnes Open Spacers having fun…. taken with thanks from this week’s Totnes Times. Just to show we’re not making all this up!

We had a great evening with **Bob Flowerdew** in Totnes Civic Hall last night, over 200 people. He was very entertaining and a real showman. I also did an interview with him over a pizza beforehand which I’ll post here as soon as I get it typed up. Next week sees the launch of our building events, I’ll post more about them on Monday.

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Discussion: Comments Off on TTT Energy Open Space in the Local Paper.

Categories: Community Involvement, Energy, Peak Oil, Technology

27 Oct 2006

Competition Results!

energyThe winners of the **Energy- Use Less Save More** competition were Donna Jones, Richard Irvine, Ben Boyd, Nicholas Harvey and John Boshier, who all correctly observed that a laptop computer uses less energy than a desktop computer, in fact 75 watts per hour as opposed to 15o watts per house for the desktop. “Energy” is available from Green Books. Thanks to everyone who entered. We are awash with silly limericks here, but don’t forget, you **still have 4 days** to enter our limerick competition and win a prize worth £1,200! Get writing…

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Discussion: Comments Off on Competition Results!

Categories: Energy