Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

1 May 2007

Learning to Use YouTube as a Tool for Localisation Initiatives.

YouTube and Video Google are becoming one of the most exciting ways that environmental projects (and lots of American teenagers falling down stairs) document themselves and communicate what they are doing. The price of the equipment is falling all the time, and the ease of editing and so on means that most people can now produce their own short films. As part of a bid to try and get some people in Totnes documenting the process in this way, we are holding a one day course this Saturday called **A Hands-On Introduction to YouTube Video Activism ­ worldchanging with a digital camera and a laptop**

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Categories: General

30 Apr 2007

The Future of Biodiesel, or not.

cc2I travelled back from Lewes on the train last week, and was really struck by the amount of yellow fields I could see from the window as I passed. There is a lot of money going into the creation of a UK biodiesel sector, with very favourable subsidies, and the English countryside is becoming increasingly yellow. The farming press is abuzz with regular talk of the glittering potential future in biodiesel, and refineries are being built. It is a great green illusion (or delusion), although there are many others who can argue the case against biofuels far better than I can. David Strahan sums up the case against biofuels in his new book The Last Oil Shock (review pending) when he writes that they offer the prospect of “starving to death in a traffic jam”.

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Discussion: 17 Comments

Categories: Energy, Food, Peak Oil

27 Apr 2007

Product Review – Eco Kettle.

ekHaven’t really made much of a habit of doing product reviews here, but the time has come to have a go. I recently bought an Eco Kettle, and wanted to share my thoughts about it with you. Studies have shown that most people overfill the kettle, and that a lot of energy is wasted boiling water simply so that it can just go cold again. I try and get into the habit of measuring the water going into the kettle with a cup first, but it doesn’t always happen, so I was intrigued by the possibility of a kettle that made me do that.

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Discussion: 15 Comments

Categories: Energy

26 Apr 2007

Lewes Now Officially Unleashed!

On Tuesday night Transition Town Lewes held their Official Unleashing at Lewes Town Hall. Only the third town to organise an Unleashing, Lewes put on a wonderful event, one which will have been very memorable for all those involved. Over 400 people packed into the Town Hall to hear

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24 Apr 2007

Off to Lewes….

luThere will be no post here tomorrow morning as I am off to Lewes on the 9.50 train for the **Official Unleashing of Transition Town Lewes** this evening. Lewes is the second town outside of Totnes to hold an Unleashing. The event is a celebration of the great work that they have done so far, and of the momentum behind their future work. Like the other Unleashings, it is designed to be the evening people will look back to as the point where it all began. I will be speaking, as will Dr. Chris Johnstone (who also spoke at TTT’s Unleashing) and TT Lewes’ Adrienne Campbell. It will be at Lewes Town Hall this evening at 8pm. See you there!

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Categories: Community Involvement, Localisation