Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

5 May 2009

Celebrating the Art of Failure

"Road Paint Fail"

"Road Paint Fail"

It is often said that in Transition we celebrate our failures as much as our successes, and that an openess and honesty about when things fail is vital for Transition to proceed.  In the film ‘Garbage Warrior’, the thing that most incensed Michael Reynolds when he lost his building permit was that “they have taken away my right to fail”.  I was delighted therefore last week to come across the website  It is a site that celebrates failure in all its many form.  It has a sharp eye for things done badly, or disastrously, and as I explored its posts on Friday lunchtime, my roars of laughter could be heard resounding throughout Transition Towers.  One of my favourites is this one, on the left.  Give yourself half an hour or so to have a look through it, it’s a treasure trove of inspired failure.

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: General

4 May 2009

Make Sure Your Projects Get a Mention in ‘In Transition’

intransition2As by now you are no doubt excitedly telling everyone you come into contact with, the postman, work colleagues, neighbours, complete strangers and anyone else who will listen, the Transition film ‘In Transition’ has its online premiere on Saturday May 23rd at 1.45pm (GMT).  This week we are putting the finishing touches to it.  We are keen that the film expresses, as clearly as possible, the breadth and depth of the Transition movement.  We therefore need to know about any projects you are doing in your initiatives so that they can get a mention…

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Discussion: 38 Comments

Categories: Transition Movie

4 May 2009

The Online Premiere of ‘In Transition’. Saturday May 23rd 2009, 1.45pm (GMT)

In Transition: from oil dependency to local resilience. A Film.

We are delighted to announce the near-launch of ‘In Transition’, the hour-long documentary about Transition.  The film is the work of director Emma Goude, with production by Smith and Watson, and with input from Transition communities around the world (for the story of the film, click here.  For those of you who felt the Age of Stupid only told one half of the story, here is the other half.  It tells the story of the generation that looked peak oil and climate change square in the face, and responded with creativity, compassion and genius. We think you’re going to love it.  Here is the trailer…

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1 May 2009

Some Good News from Transition Town Forres

Digging in for the gardening season ahead are Carin Schwartz, chairperson of the Transition Town Forres group, and Paul Harvey, newly appointed chairman of the Forres Community Garden Group.

Digging in for the gardening season ahead are Carin Schwartz, chairperson of the Transition Town Forres group, and Paul Harvey, newly appointed chairman of the Forres Community Garden Group.

Garden Group All Set To Get Digging. From the Forres Gazzette

April 8th 2009.

MEMBERS of the Transition Town Forres (TTF) group were celebrating last week after being officially given the keys to land on Bogton Road for their community garden and allotment project.

The group have been trying to get their hands on the land for about a year, and seemed to have to cut through a seemingly endless amount of necessary red tape before Moray Council would agree to lease the land to them.

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Community Involvement, Food

29 Apr 2009

Transition Forest Row’s EDAP Hits the Shelves


Great excitement greets the news that Transition Forest Row have published their Energy Descent Plan! Transition Forest Row is one of the earliest Transition initiatives to set up in the UK (it held its Unleashing just over a year ago), and a year ago they were awarded a grant from Wealden District Council of £5,000 to create their EDAP.  The result is a fascinating combination of storytelling, cartoons, drawings and practical steps to an oil-free 2030.  You can buy copies here

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