Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

19 May 2010

A Chance to Learn How to Replicate Growing Communities in your Community

For Transition groups looking to set up viable local food systems, there is a range of models to choose from.  There are the better known ones such as CSAs and box schemes, and the more innovative ones, such as Food Hubs.  One less well known, but equally exciting model is that being developed at Growing Communities in Hackney, who I have often written about glowingly here.  For the uninitiated, here is a short film about their work:

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15 May 2010

Exclusive Interview: Chris Johnstone on Inspiration, Finding Your Power and Transition

findyourpowercoverChris Johnstone‘s ‘Find Your Power’ has just been revised and republished, this time by Permanent Publications.  ‘Find Your Power’ is a book that many people involved in Transition initiatives have found very useful.  Chris is a medical doctor, an addictions specialist and an empowerment coach.  He has pioneered the application of positive psychology within the NHS, and is renowned for his workshops and his talks to Transition groups.  An interview with Chris was a key feature of the ‘Heart’ section of the Transition Handbook, and so, to celebrate the new edition of ‘Find Your Power’, I interviewed Chris about the book and some wider themes that it covers. 

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Discussion: 12 Comments

Categories: General

14 May 2010

Situation Vacant: Transition in Action Project Manager (Totnes based)

totnesedapcover1This is a new position of significant responsibility and profile to enable Transition Town Totnes to successfully navigate new terrain and expand its reach and impact through starting the process of implementing its recently launched Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP).  This is a unique opportunity for an entrepreneurial individual of proven professional management capability, ideally with experience of social enterprise creation and community engagement.  Job share arrangements would be considered if the right complement of skills and experience are matched.

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10 May 2010

Valuable Research Explores the Growth of Transition in Dorset

dorsetBack in 2007, UEA academic Gill Seyfang wrote that despite the growing interest in the area of Transition initiatives, there is still a “dearth of” research on the topic.  Since then, we have Gill’s studies on Transition nationally and on Transition Norwich, Niamh McDonald’s dissertation about Somerset County Council and Transition, and Alp Pir’s thesis about the TT Totnes food group, but little else.  I am delighted therefore to introduce you to to a study by Anna Höynälänmaa at Bournemouth University, entitled “Spreading Seeds of Sustainability: factors affecting the development of the Transition movement in Dorset”, which she did for her BSc dissertation.  You can download the document here.  It offers a very well put together study of how Transition is bedding down in Dorset.  Her conclusion?  “Although a young movement, the Transition Movement has clearly established a strong network of motivated and enthusiastic Initiatives in Dorset and shows great potential for growth and development”.  Many thanks to Anna for allowing me to post her thesis here.

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10 May 2010

Totnes EDAP Launch Part Two: “the single most important book about Totnes ever published”

edapcivic1The Totnes Energy Descent Action Plan received a fittingly rousing welcome into the world on Friday night in Totnes Civic Hall, following on from the earlier parade through town and its announcement by the Town Crier.  Over a hundred people were treated to local Sharpham wine and nibbles in advance of the main event, buying copies of the EDAP and meeting friends.  The audience had been promised, in the event’s poster, ‘fine speeches’, which put those speaking under considerable pressure!  It turned out to be a fantastic and memorable event, one that welcomed the long-awaited EDAP into this community. 

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