Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

21 Jul 2011

My talk at the RESOLVE conference: a clever audio/slides thing

A couple of months ago I did a talk at the RESOLVE conference, entitled “Transition as Cookery”, and now, very kindly Stephen Hinton has taken the audio and the slides from the RESOLVE website and synched them together… hope you enjoy it.

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19 Jul 2011

Recording of yesterday’s webinar with Transition US

Had a great time yesterday on the webinar call thing to Transition US.  It lasted about 75 minutes and we covered lots of things.  We’ll be doing it again in September but for now, click here to hear the recording of the event.  The very end is especially good, when you can hear lots of the callers saying goodbye… lovely that was…  Thanks to everyone who organised it, especially Carl, Carolyne and Richard.

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15 Jul 2011

Tomato anyone?

It’s Friday, so here’s something silly.  Here is a great ad (circled) I just spotted in the small ads column of my local free newspaper…

Form an orderly queue now…


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Categories: General

15 Jul 2011

Full round up of materials from the 2011 Transition Network conference

My thanks to Ed for pulling this list together.  Here are all the various videos, photos, workshop write ups and blog posts from the Transition Network conference 2011. We hope that it gives you an idea of what happened and a chance to catch some of the conversations.  Our thanks to the workshop attendees who kindly agreed to write things up, people who interviewed each other, and Charlotte Du Cann, Chris Croome, Mike Grenville, and David Wilcox who did a huge amount of recording, reporting, photographing, editing and other journalist-y activities.  This is a fantastic record of an amazing event… we hope you enjoy them. 

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14 Jul 2011

Hide Enomoto talks about Transition Town Fujino

Fujino in Japan was the 100th formal Transition initiative.  Here is a great short film where the wonderful Hide Enomoto gives an update as to what has happened there since then…

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