Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

31 Oct 2011

Putting ‘The Transition Companion’ into the hands of people of influence

Green Books have offered to send, free of charge, copies of The Transition Companion to 12 influential people who we feel would benefit from getting a copy and being introduced to Transition ideas, whether they are in politics, the media, scientists, celebrities, social media or just big ideas people.  What is important is that in suggesting someone, we actually have a way to get the book into their hands.  To just say “David Cameron” without a surefire route to actually getting the book to him isn’t much use.  So please, post your suggestions below, and some indication of your confidence that a copy could actually reach them, and when we’ve a good list we’ll go through them and choose some.  If you felt like making a donation, using the donate button below, it would increase the number of people we could send copies to.  Thanks.

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Discussion: 21 Comments

Categories: The Transition Companion

27 Oct 2011

Announcing a revolutionary leap forward in the Transition model…

Today sees the launch of three exciting new developments and outputs from Transition Network, the results of many months of work, that finally emerge blinking into the daylight.  We are sure that they will greatly deepen your understanding of Transition, bring depth and richness to your work, re-inspire and energise you.  They represent a radical shift in how Transition is understood and communicated.

They are, in no particular order, the book ‘The Transition Companion’, the online version of the ingredients and tools of Transition, and a beautifully designed set of Ingredients and Tools Cards which can be used to better understand all this.  Together, they represent a sea-change in how we understand what Transition is and how to do it.  So, let’s have a look at those things one-by-one.

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26 Oct 2011

A great new film resource: ‘Surfing the Waves of Change’

I know that many of you found the ‘Powerdown Show’ series a really useful resource.  Well now the Cultivate Centre in Ireland are back with a new film ‘Surfing the Waves of Change’, released today.  This is a 9 minute animation, which uses surfing as a metaphor to introduce the concept of community resilience. It explores how we can best take the steps to ensure that the places where we are living have the ability to get by in times of abrupt change and are brilliant places to live. The film accompanies a new publication from Carnegie UK Trust called, ‘Exploring Community Resilience in Times of Rapid Change’.  It’s rather wonderful. 

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25 Oct 2011

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s foreword to ‘The Transition Companion’

Thursday is the proper launch date for The Transition Companion, and some other exciting new developments will be unveiled on Thursday too.  You’re going to love them.  In the meantime, here is the wonderful foreword for the book written by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

“Observing the growth of the Transition movement over the past five years has been inspiring in so many ways. While governments and big business struggle (to put it politely) to tackle the enormous environmental issues that face us, this movement has forged ahead with its collective bid to find a creative, passionate response to the question ‘where do we go from here?’

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24 Oct 2011

A Story of Transition in 10 Objects: Number 6. A bulb of garlic

With The Transition Companion formally released this Thursday, it’s time for another ‘Story of Transition in 10 Objects’ film, this time about the Green Valley Grocer in Slaithwaite.  It’s one of the stories people particularly enjoyed from September’s round up.

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