Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

20 Mar 2012

New film: When Jonathan Dimbleby helped launch the Atmos Totnes campaign

Here is a great film that beautifully captures the Atmos Totnes campagn launch last week outside Totnes station.  My deep thanks to Chris Watson of Smith & Watson Productions for making it:


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19 Mar 2012

Caspar Walsh reviews ‘In Transition 2.0’ for Positive News


Here is a great review of ‘In Transition 2.o’.  You can now order the DVD here, orders start shipping at the end of this week!

Having been involved in script writing and producing the trailer for In Transition 2.0, you could say this review will be biased. You’d be right. And my bias comes from the belief that this film is a powerful call to arms for a rapid evolution in the way we live and work together as it shows how collectively, we can effect extraordinary change.

In Transition 2.0 takes the viewer through an emotional journey that effectively charts the evolution of the movement from its humble origins in Kinsale, Ireland, to an international movement that now attracts the attention of politicians and world leaders.  There has been a remarkable evolution in the Transition movement over the last four years, since the first film, In Transition 1.0, was released. In Transition 2.0 has a much deeper emotional thread running through and on several occasions I was moved to tears.

[You can read the review in full here].

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Categories: 'In Transition' 2.0.

19 Mar 2012

The Best of Green 2012 Awards

I’m really honoured to be nominated in the ‘Best of Green Readers’ Choice Awards’.  However, I’m not going to be encouraging people to vote for me, rather to vote for Bill McKibben of, who I think deserves to win it far more than myself or David Korten.  What Bill has done with the Keystone pipeline campaign and so much more really deserves any awards going.  I voted for Bill, if you have a minute to do so, be great if you did the same.  You can vote here.  Thanks.



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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: General

15 Mar 2012

‘Atmos Totnes: the heart of a new economy’ campaign launched!

This morning saw the launch of a 6 month campaign in Totnes to bring the former Dairy Crest site into community ownership.  Over 200 people turned out on a misty March morning outside the site to show their support, alongside writer and broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby, one of the campaign’s patrons.  The campaign is the work of Transition Town Totnes and Totnes Development Trust.  The campaign’s comprehensive website was just launched (and on Twitter @AtmosTotnes), please have a look, and please add your name to the list of supporters.   For a sense of what the campaign is about, here is a press release issued earlier this week:

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15 Mar 2012

Reflections on Energy Descent Action Plans: a response to Vera Bradova

A fascinating post over at Leaving Babylon by Vera Bradova called Tedium and black magic: the trouble with Energy Descent Action Plans (EDAPs) raises some interesting questions about Transition and planning, and EDAPs in particular.  The version published at pulls out some of the most salient comments.   It offers a very good opportunity to revisit the role of the EDAP in Transition, and how that has changed over time, an issue I am very grateful to her for raising. 

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