Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

21 Nov 2007

Transition Graphics…

googkeNot too many posts over the last few days as I have been travelling a lot giving talks (Low Carbon Exeter, Be The Change, Environment Kernow) and being flat out trying to finish the book. At the moment I am wrestling with cover designs for **The Transition Handbook**, and am always on the lookout for graphics that convey the idea of Transition. It was with some surprise therefore that yesterday, while visiting I spotted the graphic to the right. They often customise their logo for different occasions, events or anniversaries, yesterday’s looked rather like it was to celebrate Transition Google (whatever that might look like…). The other one I saw recently was produced by Transition Brighton and Hove, and is a very funky take on Transition (see below).


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21 Nov 7:57am

Presumably you have encountered the work of Graham Burnett? ( I love his artwork 😀

22 Nov 11:05am

The Google logo that day was the winner of a competition for children and young people. I happened to look at it the day all the entries were shown, and was delighted to find that more than half the entries were firmly concerned about the planetary future options. I think there were nicer pics than the winner!

Graham Burnett
23 Apr 5:44pm

Aw shucks Emma 🙂