Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

I no longer blog on this site. You can now find me, my general blogs, and the work I am doing researching my forthcoming book on imagination, on my new blog.

17 Oct 2008

Transition Cities Conference: a vital event for all urban Transitioners

We are delighted to be able to announce details of the inaugural Transition Cities conference, hosted by the good folks of Transition Nottingham on November 27th -28th 2008This is a seminal event, one of key importance to all those active in urban Transition initiatives.  You can download the poster for the event here, please print out and distribute among your initiative and its various groups.

The aim for the 2 days, which will be held, thanks to the generosity of Nottingham City Council, at the Nottingham Arena in central Nottingham, is to draw together best practice in urban Transition initiatives.  Since the first urban Transition initiatives began emerging nearly 2 years ago, they have taken the 12 Steps, 7 Buts, the Principles of Transition and so on, and tried to apply them in the urban context.  But do they work?  Might there be a different model for urban initiatives?  How can the lessons learnt thus far underpin a more appropriate model?

This event will be run mostly as Open Space, with some workshop sessions, and will aim to produce a set of urban principles, and also allow the maximum amount of exchange between participants, so as to maximise the exchange of ideas and information.  The Transition Network will be documenting the event for a Guide to Urban Transition for publication in the New Year.  We have striven to keep the costs for the event as low as possible, and a charge of £20 will enable us to cover the costs of running the two days.  Information about booking, accomodation, travel and so on, can be found here.  If you are active in an urban Transition project, please come.  This is a vitally important event, one that you will find enormously useful.  See you in Nottingham!!

Comments are now closed on this site, please visit Rob Hopkins' blog at Transition Network to read new posts and take part in discussions.


George Lisi
19 Oct 9:18pm

Hi Rob,
Sounds right on timely. Will there be a ‘proceedings’ or such like, available after the conference?
I have been participating in the fledgling Transition United States site, and see more and more new members from urban locales exploring Transition.
George Lisi, TT Montpelier, Vermont

Ben Brangwyn
22 Oct 3:15pm


We’re planning on getting some people dedicated to writing it up. So yup, there will be proceedings.

Cheers. Ben. Transition Network.

Marian Engle
27 Oct 6:54pm

Are you planning traning events in the eastern US? If so, where and when? Thanks

George Lisi
27 Oct 11:11pm

If you are asking about the standard two day TT training there are several coming up in the Eastern U.S. – one this coming weekend. Here is the site to check and subscribe to to be aware and register for upcoming east coast trainings:

Also, if you’re in the Vermont area you may want to join the new Transition Vermont site:

to stay in touch with events and developments there.
Cheers! George Lisi, TT Montpelier, Vermont