18 Mar 2015
Podcast: SWIMBY the Musical: an update: "you have to reach for the stars"

Today’s blog is a podcast recorded in poet Matt Harvey’s composing shed in his garden in Totnes. A few weeks ago, SWIMBY The Musical (original working title ‘Transition Town: The Musical’) raised over £10,000 in a Kickstarter appeal, and this was followed by some Arts Council funding.
So now the team of Matt Harvey (poet/lyricist), Thomas Hewitt Jones (composer) and Chloe Uden (producer) are hard at work actually writing it. So we met in Matt’s shed to find out where they’re up to and what happens next.
They are still needing some funds, so if you are inspired to help them out, do get in touch. They’re on Facebook and Twitter. (You can either just play this podcast, or download it to listen to at your leisure).