2 May 2014
Announcing the pilot Transition Roadshow event!

In a couple of weeks we will be inviting Transition initiatives across the UK to apply to host one of several Roadshow events we plan to run during late 2014 and early 2015. As we announced previously, there will be no 2014 Transition Network conference, at least, not in the way we’ve done them before. Instead, we’re going on the road to help Transition initiatives put on an event that’s tailored to their needs and interests. We will very shortly be inviting applications from communities who’d like to host one of these events and hope to announce all the locations by the beginning of June. In the meantime, we’re thrilled to announce that the first, the pilot for the rest, will take place on Saturday July 12th, starting at 10am and 6pm at the University of Cumbria in Lancaster. There is an optional, day of field trips, lunch on the canal, and generally chilled out fun on Sunday the 13th.
In collaboration with Transition Lancaster, Transition Kendal, and other local initiatives, who were planning to do something very similar anyway, our first 2014 roadshow event will take place, with Transition Network’s trademark, participatory style of workshops, Open Space, great hang outs and engaging conversations. It’s guaranteed to be fantastic.
Are you already involved in Transition in the North West or would you like to be? Have you ever wondered if starting a Transition enterprise is for you? Or how to avoid burn out? Do you want to make connections and share ideas? This day is made for you. You will be able to choose from a dizzying variety of workshops and sessions, presentations and talks. There will be space to discuss a pressing local issue and the degree to which Transition can offer a response. Rob will be speaking. You’ll be able to hear about all the great Transition work underway in the area. It will be buzzy, fun and connecting. Plus, of course, some relaxed time in the evening to chat over a coffee or something stronger, with music and other entertainment.
You can book tickets here. For more information click here. Come along.