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Monthly archive for July 2009
Showing results 26 - 29 of 29 for the month of July, 2009.
3 Jul 2009
Sharon Astyk is one of the bloggers I most admire, one of the most insightful and incredibly prolific writers out there. It was fascinating therefore to read the two articles she recently posted, Permaculture Future Part One and Part Two. Her basic argument is that permaculture and Transition are, as we head into the Long Emergency, the only two shows in town in terms of positive solutions-focused responses, but are they up to it? Fair question. I hope in this post to try and address some of Sharon’s points, which as usual, are very well argued, and deserve a lengthy muse…
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2 Jul 2009
Roving Transition reporter and publisher of Transition Network News Mike Grenville sent the following report from an awards event in London at which Transition Town Tooting found out that they had been one of four projects selected from 178 applications to recieve funding for projects that bring art and responses to climate change together. The result is a great boost to Transition, and to Transition Town Tooting, who are doing hugely innovative and important work embedding Transition principles in the urban context…. congratulations all… and thanks Mike for the following report.
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1 Jul 2009
Several people have been in touch to ask whether it is possible to see the original questionnaire that I used to do the surveys from which the initial findings were presented here at Transition Culture the other day. You can download a pdf. of the questionnaire here. It was based, in part on questions from the Community Resilience Manual, developed in Canada by the Canadian Centre for Community Renewal, taking some of their questions, but also building from their observations, 8 years after first drafting the manual, that;
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1 Jul 2009
As part of the Totnes EDAP, we are creating this table (below), by way of illustrating the wealth of new employment possibilities that could be created in a community that seriously embraces the potential of Transition. There will of course be hundreds of things we have neglected to include. In the light of the continued ‘sharp contraction’ of the UK economy, we are arguing that the only way the area can revive its fortunes will be via. the Transition approach. One of the perks of doing Transition Culture is the ability to run work in progress by you to get your thoughts and input, and to have things that I hadn’t thought of pointed out to me. Please post your thoughts and additional livelihood opportunities below. Thanks.
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