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Monthly archive for July 2009
Showing results 6 - 10 of 29 for the month of July, 2009.
27 Jul 2009
The first session of the last day was ‘Cities Past and Future’. First speaker was Eric Sanderson, who gave an absolutely mesmering presentation about his work on the Mannahatta Project. It is based around asking the question, what would the land on which New York now stands have looked like in the 1600s when Hudson first rowed up the river? A simple question, but the results of the work combine cartography, GIS, biology, ethanography, and much much more.
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24 Jul 2009
- TED speaker Taryn Simon showing a photo of the Braille version of Playboy magazine (seriously)…
What an extraordinary day. I missed days one and two of TED, which, if they were anywhere near as good as today, was a big loss. A day of fascinating speakers, even the ones I disgreed with were interesting… Set in the Oxford Playhouse, the day was well presented, well hosted, and had a great buzz. It divided into 4 sections. I’ll just give a few thoughts on some of the presenters. Over at the TED blog is a detailed write up of each speaker and some good photos, far more detail than I am going to manage! So the first session was called ‘Radical Development’.
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22 Jul 2009
I don’t normally get nervous about giving talks, but I have one coming up this week that I am feeling very nervous about. I am going to Oxford to do one of the TED talks, and I have to say, I am feeling like it is somewhat stepping up a level! If you are unfamiliar with TED, they give you 18 minutes, an audience of very successful thinkers, inventors, geeks and business people, and ask you to give the talk of your life, which they film in HD and put online where it is viewed by millions of people. And Gordon Brown just did one of the first ones. No pressure then.
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21 Jul 2009
Dr. Gill Seyfang from the University of East Anglia has just published a very important piece of research, entitled “Green Shoots of Sustainability: the 2009 Transition Movement Survey” which you can download here. 94 UK Transition initiatives were sent an online questionnaire, of which 74 responded (a great response rate, thanks everyone). The results are fascinating, offering an in-depth snapshot of where this young movement is at after less than 3 years.
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21 Jul 2009
About 2 years ago, in Totnes, Dairy Crest, the major employer in the town, closed, with the loss of 160 jobs. The site on which it was based, 8 acres adjoining the railway station and running down to the river, now stands derelict. Although most of the buildings are unspectacular steel factory buildings, it is also home to a building built by Brunel for an experimental approach to running the UK’s railway system that never took off, atmospheric railway, and also to a landmark tall chimney. A number of local groups, including Transition Town Totnes, have got together and are proposing to bring the site into community ownership and to create an visionary development that embodies the principles and opportunities of Transition. A new masterplanning document for the site has just been published, which we think is rather wonderful and exemplary, which we thought you might like to see. You can download it here.
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