Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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4 Jun 2008

Speaking at Westminster – an evening with APPGOPOG

A while ago, on a very hot day indeed, I went to London to be one of the speakers at a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil and Gas (APPGOPOG, not to be confused with OGOPOGO, a Loch Ness monster type supposed creature reputed to live in Lake Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada). The meeting was called Becoming a Low Carbon Society, and I was speaking along with Shaun Chamberlin who spoke about Tradeable Energy Quotas, and Simon Snowden from Liverpool University, who talked about, among other things, Oil Vulnerability Audits.

I spoke first as I had to catch the last train home, which in the event I made with only 1 minute to spare! I had never actually been in the House of Commons before, what an amazing building … don’t think I have ever been anywhere more like Hogwarts in my life. There was a good crowd of people, some familiar faces, but a lot not, and was a delight to be able to see the great work that APPGOPOG are doing. They are an extremely important initiative, seeking to bring peak oil awareness to Parliament. They have regular meetings which are open to the public. Their next meeting is on Tuesday June 10th, 6.30 – 8.30pm, and is on “Zero Carbon Britain and Sustainable Transport”. You can download the talks and the presentations from the one that I attended here, and I hope you find them interesting, and that you might be able to make it along to one of their meetings to support the work they are doing.

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1 Comment

Neil L
4 Jun 5:26pm

Have downloaded the presentation to listen to on the train tomorrow and also noted this petition on the APPGOPO website…

Peak Oil Petition to UK Government
A petition urging the government to reevaluate their position on an imminent peak in global oil production has been posted on the 10 Downing Street website.

All UK citizens can sign online. The deadline for signatures is July 29th 2008.