Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for November 2006

Showing results 16 - 20 of 23 for the month of November, 2006.

13 Nov 2006

The Village on Video.

vill3One of the sustainability projects I have the most admiration for is The Village project in Cloughjordan in Ireland. Nine years ago when we began the Baile Dulra ecovillage project which later became The Hollies Centre for Practical Sustainability, we worked with some people who subsequently went on to become the core initiators of The Village. The people at the heart of The Village are amazing people. The project has been going for 9 years, and still none of them has got to build the house they have dreamt of every day of those 9 years. They have faced the coming and going of new people, setbacks, financial struggles, and a rate of progress which must at times have seemed interminable. Yet they are nearly there, and what they will finally create is really extraordinary.

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Discussion: Comments Off on The Village on Video.

Categories: Community Involvement, Natural Building, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

10 Nov 2006

David Fleming and Richard Heinberg in Totnes!

tttfhThe last two events in the Transition Town Totnes programme are two of the most exciting. We are delighted firstly to be able to welcome **Richard Heinberg**, the author of The Party’s Over, Powerdown and his new book The Oil Depletion Protocol to Totnes. On Wednesday 22nd November he will be giving one of only two public talks on his short visit to the UK, with the title **“Peak Oil: Local Solutions to a Global Challenge

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9 Nov 2006

A Trip to the Agroforestry Research Trust’s Forest Garden.

**Notes from A Trip to the Agroforesty Research Trust‘s Forest Garden, Dartington, Totnes, Devon. Friday November 3rd 2006.**


fg1Martin Crawford started his forest garden at Dartington 15 years ago. It has now reached a point where it is very developed, and was referred to in Dave Jacke’s Edible Forest Garden books as the best example of a forest garden he has seen. Martin is internationally recognised as one of the foremost practitioners of agroforestry in the world, (but amazingly very few people in Totnes have heard of him!).

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: Food, Localisation, Permaculture

8 Nov 2006

The Oil Depletion by Richard Heinberg – A Review and Competition!

**The Oil Depletion Protocol – a plan to avert oil wars, terrorism and economic collapse by Richard Heinberg. (2006) Clairview Books.**
**See Below for a Chance to Win a Copy!**

odp**Richard Heinberg** is the author of The Party’s Over, many peoples’ first introduction to the subject of peak oil. It was the first book to explain the concept in a clear and accessible way for people with no background in petroleum geology (myself included). However, while many writers are still chewing over whether or not peak oil is a reality, and haggling over the exact date when it might occur (2006? 2010? 2030?), Heinberg is moving on, exploring its implications and what can be done to prepare for this historic transition.

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7 Nov 2006

“What Happens When Oil is Gone?” – An Interview with Rob Hopkins from the Jersey Evening Post.

**What Will Happen When The Oil is Gone? by Alasdair Crosby. Printed in the Jersey Evening Post on Friday November 3rd.**

jjersey While I was in Jersey recently, I did an interview for the **Jersey Evening Post**, which appeared in the paper last Friday. Here it is, with thanks for permission to reproduce it here.

“In almost every part of our daily lives we rely on the ready supply of oil, but it is running out as a cheap form of energy. Environmentalist Rob Hopkins, who was in the Island recently, spoke to Alasdair Crosby about what life will be like when the barrels run dry.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil