Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for November 2006

Showing results 6 - 10 of 23 for the month of November, 2006.

23 Nov 2006

Soil Association Conference to Focus on Peak Oil and Relocalisation.

SAI am delighted to be able to tell you about the upcoming Soil Association conference, which will be held in Cardiff from the 25th to the 27th January 2007. The theme of the conference is **One Planet Agriculture: Preparing for a post-peak oil food and farming future**, and I have been very involved in designing the list of speakers and the theme for the event. It is a seminal moment for the Soil Association, being their 60th Anniversary conference. That they have put peak oil and relocalisation centre stage is a visionary and timely move. Speakers include Colin Campbell, Richard Heinberg,

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Discussion: Comments Off on Soil Association Conference to Focus on Peak Oil and Relocalisation.

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

23 Nov 2006

Transition Culture – the 12th Best Green Blog in the UK!!

blogJust found out that **Transition Culture** came in 12th place in The Daily Maybe‘s 100 Best Green Bloggers Awards! Given that the Top Ten contains such green luminaries as Peter Tatchell, George Monbiot, Paul Kingsnorth and Caroline Lucas, and that we’ve only been online for little over a year, we’re delighted. The full list of the 100 Best Green Blogs can be seen here. I’m not quite sure how the list was put together, but if you voted for us, many thanks. Celebrating being 12th reminds me a bit of the early 90’s group The Housemartins, who always described themselves as “the second best group in Hull” (they never said who the best group was…). So there you have it, **Transition Culture**, the 12th best green blog in the UK. I can retire a happy man now.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Self Congratulation

22 Nov 2006

A Walk in the Woods # Exercise 5. ‘Art Exhibition’.

f2Here is another exercise from **Earth Education** for getting people observing a woodland in a different way. String a length of washing line between different trees in the wood, wandering off through the trees. Tell the participants that they are all amazing artists, and have been invited to contribute to an exhibition in this, the most prestigious art gallery in the country.

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Discussion: Comments Off on A Walk in the Woods # Exercise 5. ‘Art Exhibition’.

Categories: Education for Sustainability, General, The 'Heart' of Energy Descent

21 Nov 2006

Exclusive to Transition Culture! An Interview with Michael Meacher MP on peak oil and relocalisation.

m1 **An Interview with Michael Meacher MP, Schumacher College, Dartington, Devon, 18th November 2006.**

**Michael Meacher** has been Labour Member of Parliament for Oldham West and Royton since 1970. He was Minister of State for the Environment between May 1997 and June 2003, and has been very outspoken on issues of peak oil and climate change. I managed to grab a short interview with him while he was eating his lunch at Schumacher College during his one day visit to the Life After Oil course and ask him for his thoughts on peak oil and localisation.

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20 Nov 2006

A Walk in the Woods # Exercise 4. ‘Kick the Can’.

forestGetting young people, boys in particular, to be quiet and focused in a woodland is quite a task. Getting them to become aware of their surroundings, to experience the sounds, smells and feelings of being in a wood can be hard work. It would be great, therefore, to have an exercise which brought boys into a sense of complete awareness yet of which they were unaware. This exercise is called ‘Kick the Can’ and is a years old game but one which I have also found to be very powerful with adults. It places you in a woodland with all your senses heightened, rooted to one place, intensely aware of your surroundings.

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Discussion: Comments Off on A Walk in the Woods # Exercise 4. ‘Kick the Can’.

Categories: Education for Sustainability