Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for September 2006

Showing results 16 - 20 of 25 for the month of September, 2006.

13 Sep 2006

Meg Wheatley on Energy Descent Planning – Part One.

**Interview with Meg Wheatley – Schumacher College. Wednesday, 14th June 2006. Part One.**

meg*I was very lucky when Meg was at Schumacher College earlier this year to get to spend an hour with her, asking her for her thoughts about the Energy Descent Planning process. She had spent the previous afternoon reading through the Kinsale plan, and I was fascinated to hear her thoughts on how her work to do with complexity theory and change would relate to it. I wasn’t disappointed. I found this interview hugely insightful and illuminating, and it gave me lots of ideas which I am gradually working into my work. Second part tomorrow…*

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12 Sep 2006

The Tupperware Approach to Relocalisation.

tuppWhen I played guitar in a rather fine Bristol band called ‘Little, Big’ many years ago, I used to find that I would hear a song somewhere and kick myself that I hadn’t thought of it. Seemed so obvious, putting that chord with that verse, and it ending up sounding like that. Same happens to me now with ideas. I just came across a wonderful piece on the Relocalisation Network (via. Energy Bulletin) by Chérie McGregor called “A party plan for raising peak oil awareness”. It’s simple premise, that is so obvious and wonderful that I am sat wondering why no-one had thought of it before!

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11 Sep 2006

The Great Adventure of Energy Descent – Chris Johnstone at the Transition Town Totnes launch.

**Here is an edited transcript of the talk that Chris Johnstone gave at the launch of Transition Town Totnes at Totnes Civic Hall on 6th September 2006.**

chrisAlthough there is a practical side to energy descent, what I want to look at is the psychological side to energy descent. I’m going to talk for a short while, and then I’m going to introduce a process where you talk to each other, because you’re the people of Totnes, you’re going to be involved in this, and therefore it’s really important that you hear from each other what you think and feel about this. I’m going to offer a structured process that will last about 20 minutes and then we’ll have some time for questions at the end.

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8 Sep 2006

Transition Town Totnes gets off to a great start!

logoOn Wednesday night in the Civic Hall in Totnes, **The Official Unleashing of Transition Town Totnes** took place. The evening was very successful, and was attended by over 350 people, who packed the hall to hear presentations by Rob Hopkins and Dr. Chris Johnstone. The evening was opened by the Mayor of Totnes, Pruw Boswell, who talked enthusiastically about the initiative and her hopes for its success. If this can happen anywhere, she told the audience, it will be in Totnes.

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7 Sep 2006

Radio 4 Addresses Peak Oil.

oilBBC Radio 4 has just begun what looks like it will be an excellent series, **Driven by Oil**, which explores peak oil, what it means and when it might be. The first one was called “When Will The Tap Run Dry?”, and in it, presenter Tom Mangold explored the biggest debate facing the oil industry today – will we run out of oil, and if so, when? It featured many names familiar to **Transition Culture** readers, including Kjell Alekett, Matt Simmons, and Dr Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, as well as some new ones, some from within the oil industry.

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Categories: Economics, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Peak Oil, Politics