Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for September 2006

Showing results 6 - 10 of 25 for the month of September, 2006.

22 Sep 2006

The Heart and Soul of the Transition Town Totnes initiative takes flight.

ttt1 This weekend sees the first course run by the first Transition Town Totnes group, which calls itself **Heart and Soul – the Psychology of Change**. The group is exploring the psychological aspects of the post-peak transition, how to facilitate peoples’ collective journey through this transition. Focalised by Hilary Prentice and Sophy Banks, they have designed a programme of events for the next 3 months, including a launch evening on Tuesday October 17th.

Of their focus, they write;

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22 Sep 2006

Teaching Peak Oil Creatively.

webI came across a quote by the great Aldo Leopold yesterday, from Sand County Almanac, one of the only things I have ever read of his that I disagree with. He wrote *”one of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds”*. Poor guy… sounds like he did the wrong course. It is of course possible to teach a course on sustainability that leaves one utterly numb at the helplessness of the whole situation (the environmental degree I did would have done that had I not done a permaculture course prior to starting it), but it is also possible, (and indeed essential) to do the opposite.

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21 Sep 2006

Something Very Silly for Today.

marsAfter a very depressing evening listening to Iconoclasts on BBC Radio 4 in which Bjorn Lomborg was questioned by a group of climate change experts and emerged as charming but somewhat vacuous, and the scale and imminence of climate change was laid out again and again (especially by Green MEP Caroline Lucas, who I thought was very good), I needed cheering up. My friend Nadia sent me a link to this, which is very silly indeed, and is either a sign of permaculture entering the mainstream, or running screaming in the opposite direction (or possibly neither, or both). Anyway, it is very silly, and put a smile on my face.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Something Very Silly for Today.

Categories: Climate Change, General, Permaculture

20 Sep 2006

A Top of the Range Solar Shower….

ss1Earlier this summer I went to the Big Green Gathering, a rather excellent festival in Somerset celebrating sustainability in its many forms. One of the highlights for me was a fantastic solar shower. One of the ‘groundrules’ at BGG was that all the energy came from solar and wind, and that no generators were allowed onsite. One enterprising soul created a fantastic solar shower and set it up by one of the main routes through the site, under the name of Spiral Sun Solar Showers

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Discussion: 7 Comments

Categories: Energy

19 Sep 2006

Book Review and Competition! – The Atlas of Climate Change.

atlas**Review of The Atlas of Climate Change – Mapping the world’s greatest challenge by Kirstin Dow and Thomas E Downing. Part of the Earthscan Atlas Series. 2006. Win a copy of this book – see below!**

Climate change and peak oil are two sides of the same coin, two faces of the same problem. Jeremy Leggett has referred to them as the two Great Oversights of our time. The true scale of the challenge facing us cannot be grasped without understanding both. Peak oil without climate change leads to the belief that our crisis is purely one of energy shortage, and that this can be got around by reaching for coal, coal-to-liquids, tar sands, and all the other most climatically destructive members of the fossil fuel family. Climate change without peak oil

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Discussion: Comments Off on Book Review and Competition! – The Atlas of Climate Change.

Categories: Climate Change, Education for Sustainability, Energy, Peak Oil