Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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13 Sep 2006

Meg Wheatley on Energy Descent Planning – Part One.

**Interview with Meg Wheatley – Schumacher College. Wednesday, 14th June 2006. Part One.**

meg*I was very lucky when Meg was at Schumacher College earlier this year to get to spend an hour with her, asking her for her thoughts about the Energy Descent Planning process. She had spent the previous afternoon reading through the Kinsale plan, and I was fascinated to hear her thoughts on how her work to do with complexity theory and change would relate to it. I wasn’t disappointed. I found this interview hugely insightful and illuminating, and it gave me lots of ideas which I am gradually working into my work. Second part tomorrow…*

**Can you just tell us a little bit about your work and your background?**

I have been in a sustained and ever deepening inquiry into the question of “how does life organise

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1 Comment

13 Sep 12:23pm

cheers rob, she seems like a really interesting person. I find it quite frustrating that our current culture is afraid of change, chaos and confusion. The idea of anarchy is not seen as liberty, but as a state of negative destruction. Without laws people are afraid of themselves, as if we’d all turn swtich instantly to murders if it went unpunished. Our society is being engineered by politicians and corporation who wish to keep us in a highly dependent system of fear and control.

Part of the process of energy decline is a rejection of that brain washing we’ve been subjected to. We need to free peoples minds so they can group think and liberate their social evolution away from the current unsustainable models. We have to help people to think again, to question things, to be curious, to accept confusion and chaos without fear.