Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for September 2006

Showing results 1 - 5 of 25 for the month of September, 2006.

29 Sep 2006

We’re Back… And the Winner Is….

ccWe’re back! After two days of webwierdness **Transition Culture** is back up and atcha. Victims of our own success, we used up all our bandwidth and had to decant elsewhere. We are averaging over 1500 visitors a day now, and our old host just could’t cope. Anyway, all is well now. OK. Down to business. Competition winners. Last week we held our fantastic **Transition Culture** “Win a Copy of the Atlas of Climate Change” competition, and it is now my honour to reveal the winners.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Climate Change, General

27 Sep 2006

Three Great Articles by Other People #3. The Oil Drum on the Gulf of Mexico ‘Discoveries’.

gom Over the last few weeks the newspapers have been full of stories about the supposed huge find of new oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico, “between 3 and 15 billion barrels” (that’s quite a range…), most of them informing us that peak oil is now officially nonsense, and that we can all roll over and go back to sleep. The story is taken to show that there are still vast untapped reserves out there, that the peak oil ‘doomsters’ are wrong, and look, here in the Gulf of Mexico is the proof of that.

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil, Technology

26 Sep 2006

Three Great Articles by Other People #2. Adam Fenderson on Biodiesel.

biofuels**Adam Fenderson**, co-editor of Energy Bulletin, Eat the Suburbs host, Fuelling the Future volunteer and permaculture/energy descent grassroots activist fella has been branching out and now writes a regular piece for New Matilda, an alternative online magazine in Australia. His second one just came out, and is called “Can’t see the Future for the Trees”, and it is one of the finest demolitions of the biofuels arguments this side of George Monbiot’s Worse Than Fossil Fuels.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, Technology

25 Sep 2006

Transition Town Totnes Turns it’s Focus Onto Food.

foodHere is some information about the next two events run by Transition Town Totnes. Following the successful launch at the beginning of September, the first aspect of relocalisation to come under focus is food. Our first event brings together three people with particular perspectives on the past, present and future of food in the area. This will hopefully serve to energise people for the first TTT Open Space, which follows three days later, which takes the form of a self-organising community think-tank on food issues. Do come along, details below.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Food, Localisation, Peak Oil

25 Sep 2006

Three Great Articles by Other People #1. Aaron Nuline on Relocalisation.

pdSometimes you read an article that just hits the nail on the head, and this is one of them. While packing his bags to head off the the Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions in Ohio, Aaron at Powering Down, a man with a passion for post-peak solutions and posting pictures of his new baby covered in mushed carrot, sat down to write a brief piece about the conference, and ended up, as is sometimes the way with blogging, turning out a wonderful piece about energy descent and relocalisation.

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Categories: Community Involvement, Education for Sustainability, Localisation, Peak Oil