Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

Transition Culture has moved

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Monthly archive for August 2006

Showing results 16 - 18 of 18 for the month of August, 2006.

16 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Richard Heinberg on the Oil Depletion Protocol.

**Richard Heinberg. “The Oil Depletion Protocol: A Plan to Avert Oil Wars, Terrorism and Economic Collapse

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14 Aug 2006

Launching … Transition Town Totnes!

**Transition Town Totnes – Programme September – December 2006.**

tttWe are delighted to announce the programme of events for the first 4 months of the Transition Town Totnes initiative. The project will develop, over the next 12 – 18 months, an Energy Descent Action Plan for Totnes, designing a positive way down from the oil peak, building on the work begun in Kinsale. It will strive to be inclusive, imaginative, practical and fun. We have put together a programme which combines inspirational speakers, many of whom will be visiting Totnes for the first time, film screenings, Open Space think tank days and much more.

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14 Aug 2006

ASPO 5 – The Two Distinct Paradigms within the Peak Oil Movement.

pisaSo, rested and relaxed, it is back to blogging after a few weeks off. I have been staggered to note that the stats for **Transition Culture** have actually increased during this period when I haven’t actually been writing anything, not sure what the lesson is there… . Oh well. Anyway, my time away has given me plenty of blogging material, which I shall gradually work through in the coming weeks, which will include notes from the ASPO conference, interesting things from the Big Green Gathering, a new Meg Wheatley interview and various other bits and bobs. I wanted to start my reflections on the ASPO conference with my thoughts on the two very distinct paradigms in evidence there.

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