Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for August 2006

Showing results 11 - 15 of 18 for the month of August, 2006.

18 Aug 2006

The Dream Double Bill.

hhIf I were able to design my dream double act to appear at a venue near me, it would have to be David Holmgren and Richard Heinberg, the two best thinkers around on the whole area of peak oil and what we can do about it. Richard is one of the best speakers on peak oil around, he addresses the subject with such compassion and insight, and is a great orator, that any opportunity to hear him is always very illuminating. David Holmgren, co-founder of permaculture, is an amazing thinker on energy and sustainability,

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18 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Robert Hirsch scares me out of my wits…

**Robert Hirsch. Mitigation of Peak Oil: Making the Case: more numbers and some questions.**

hirsch**Bob Hirsch** is the author of the deeply influential Hirsch report which has been referred to here on many occasions. I had really been looking forward to hearing him speak but found his talk hugely disappointing. You can see his Powerpoint slides here. I will give you my notes of his talk first, and my reflections on it at the end. It was one of those talks where you sit there thinking “did he really just say that?”, and eventually realising that yes, actually he did.

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Discussion: 17 Comments

Categories: Climate Change, Energy, Peak Oil, Technology

17 Aug 2006

Transition Culture Reaches a Milestone.

btI know this might not be something that excites many of you out there, but **Transition Culture** just passed a major landmark which I would like to share with you. Since the site began last November, the traffic has steadily increased, but for the last couple of months it has bobbled around under the 1000 visitors a day level, rather like the price of petrol in the UK, which has stuck below the psychological £1 a litre level for the last few months, at 99.99 pence, only now to start breaking through. Yesterday, however,

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Discussion: 8 Comments

Categories: General

17 Aug 2006

ASPO 5 – Colin Campbell Puts the Oil Age Into Perspective…

colinThe first proper speech of ASPO 5 was by **Dr. Colin Campbell**, and was called ‘Peak Oil in Perspective’. He began by talking about the history of ASPO, how it was born in Germany in 2000 as an informal network and now has organisations in 20 countries, the term peak oil has now entered the dictionary. Although there is a lot of work still to do, the fact that we are near the end of the Age of Cheap Oil is no longer in dispute. All times of transition are hard, but perhaps at the end we reach a better place.

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Economics, Energy, Peak Oil

16 Aug 2006

My ASPO 5 Presentation – download it here.

presI gave my talk near the end of the second day, and as far as I could tell, it seemed to go down well. It was called *”Plan B – enabling relocalisation as a response to peak oil”* and looked at scenarios and relocalisation, as well as exploring the area of addictions in relation to peak oil. I told the story of the Kinsale Energy Descent Plan and gave an overview of what we are hoping to achieve in the Transition Town Totnes initiative. I had some very positive feedback at the end of the event from a number of people, including

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