Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for August 2006

Showing results 6 - 10 of 18 for the month of August, 2006.

25 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Dennis Meadows – Peak Oil and Limits to Growth.

**Dennis Meadows. Peak Oil and Limits to Growth. Wednesday 19th July 2006.**

meadows***Dennis Meadows** is one of the key figures in the environmental movement over the last 50 years, and one of the authors of perhaps the single best known environmental book “Limits to Growth

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24 Aug 2006

ASPO 5. Jeremy Leggett Intertwines Peak Oil and Climate Change.

**Jeremy Leggett. Peak Oil, climate change, and the daunting arithmetic of carbon fuels.**

leggett*By the time Jeremy Leggett stepped up to the podium, I was starting to wonder whether I was the only person in the conference who had ever heard of climate change. We had heard Hirsch telling us with a straight face that we should dig up all the tar sands and turn all the coal into petrol, and Bauquis arguing that we needed 3,000 new nuclear power plants. I am used to people arguing for climate change solutions with no peak oil awareness but rarely the other way round.*

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23 Aug 2006

Permaculture Modules – free to download.

kins1The **Practical Sustainability** course in Kinsale broke (and continues to break) new ground in many ways. As well as being the world’s first two year full time permaculture course, one of its most fundamental breakthroughs was that new modules were added to the Vocational Education Committee’s (VEC) list of approved courses which can now be taught in any Irish VEC college. When I wrote the modules, no-one in the VEC had ever heard of permaculture, but as the course became more and more successful, they began to recognise the contribution it was making. A number of people have asked me where they can get hold of the modules that I wrote and taught, so I have made them available here on **Transition Culture**.

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22 Aug 2006

Notes from my recent talk at the Leading the Way conference, Dartington.

dc*Earlier in the year I spoke at the Leading the Way conference at Dartington which was organised by the Totnes Sustainability Group, and which launched DARE’s report on renewable energy for the South Hams. It was well received, and I was recently sent a transcript of some quite detailed notes of my talk taken by Dr. Carol Wellwood. I thought you might find it interesting, so here it is. It begins with the Chairman’s (David Radford) introduction… You can also download the Powerpoint presentation I used here and use it to accompany the notes below.*

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Discussion: Comments Off on Notes from my recent talk at the Leading the Way conference, Dartington.

Categories: Climate Change, Community Involvement, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil, Transport

21 Aug 2006

Meditations on Deciding Never to Fly Again…

nofly1That’s it, decision made. Don’t know why it took so long really, but finally we have agreed that we won’t fly any more. I have one flight booked already for October that I am committed to, but beyond that, it is either our van, travelling by train with the Man at Seat 61, or staying at home. The reasons are legion, and I’m sure you know most of them already. For me though, what was interesting was the process by which we actually finally decided, despite talking about it and knowing all the reasoning for years.

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