Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for February 2006

Showing results 26 - 27 of 27 for the month of February, 2006.

2 Feb 2006

Top Five Trees for Life Beyond Oil – #4 – The Apple

Apple1There’s nothing I can write that will convey the sense of loss of England’s (and Wales, Scotland and Ireland’s) apple heritage any better than a recent piece **George Monbiot** wrote for the Guardian. In fact, before you proceed any further with this post, read his piece, ‘Fallen Fruit’. It is a deeply moving and passionate testament to the wonder of what we had and the tragedy of what we have lost. …….. . OK. Have you read it? I’ll continue. A website called

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Food, Peak Oil, Permaculture

1 Feb 2006

Top Five Trees for Life Beyond Oil – #3 – Red Alder

redalderLet’s hear it for the nitrogen fixers. At present, nitrogen fertilisers are made from natural gas, and hence clearly won’t be able to continue for too much longer, yet nitrogen is a key ‘ingredient’ for healthy plant growth. Of course there is the fact that the average adult puts out roughly the same amount of nitrogen in their urine as it takes to grow their food, but that is an area for a later posting, and this is a bit early in the morning to be discussing urine separating toilets.

The use of nitrogen fixing plants is a very useful way of introducing this precious element into soils naturally. Nitrogen fixing plants range from

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Peak Oil, Permaculture