Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for January 2006

Showing results 16 - 20 of 36 for the month of January, 2006.

19 Jan 2006

‘Real Oil Crisis’ – Australian Peak Oil Documentary

oil wellzYou must check out this excellent new documentary produced by Australia’s ABC Television, called **Real Oil Crisis**. A very good and rounded overview of peak oil, (and at 12 minutes long it is good for people whose attention spans couldn’t quite stretch to The End of Suburbia…), with Jeremy Leggett being the main ‘early peaker’ spokesman known to those of us outside Australia.

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Discussion: Comments Off on ‘Real Oil Crisis’ – Australian Peak Oil Documentary

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil

18 Jan 2006

EPRIDA – too good to be true?

epridaLast week I listened in to a lecture **Bernard Lietaer** gave at Schumacher College called ‘Tools for a Planetary Wisdom Civilisation’, which looked at his thoughts on a new approach to international economics, what he called ‘Intentional Economics’. The last part of his talk looked at a technology he is involved in promoting called Eprida. When looking at solutions to the peak oil challenge, I tend to work on the basis that anything that sounds too good to be true generally isn’t true. Eprida sounds very promising, and I would be very interested to hear your thoughts on it.

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17 Jan 2006

Hemenway – Urban Versus Rural (slight return).

ActivistI wrote back in November about Toby Hemenway’s article on urban versus rural sustainability which had had such a profound effect on me. You might like to read his follow up article to that one, called **’Cities, peak oil, and sustainability’**, which builds on the previous one, and responds to some of the criticisms the first one has received. For me he hits the nail on the head again. The article appears in the Permaculture Activist, surely the

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17 Jan 2006

Kinsale Piece in Local Paper

Southern Star

Louise Rooney of **Transition Design** just let me know about a piece in the West Cork local paper The Southern Star. The piece is about the meeting of the Town Council at which the Plan was approved. It is interesting to hear the comments of the various Councillors, even the one who seems to have slightly missed the point, thinking that it will lead to the use of more smokeless fuels! The article is called Kinsale Council Support Transition Town Venture. You may need to register in order to view the pages, but hopefully this link will work.

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Discussion: Comments Off on Kinsale Piece in Local Paper

Categories: Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil

16 Jan 2006

The Psychology of Change

Mary-JayneOne of the areas that fascinates me about Energy Descent, as regular readers will have noticed by now, is the whole question of how people change, and where transition comes from both for individuals and for societies. A lot of thinking in this whole field has been going on in the discipline of EcoPsychology, and I was delighted the other day to find a transcript of a talk that Mary-Jayne Rust gave to the Schumacher Lectures) in Bristol last year,

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