Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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Monthly archive for January 2006

Showing results 11 - 15 of 36 for the month of January, 2006.

24 Jan 2006

Local Energy – Local Currency – Local Power

solarI have an idea evolving in my head, and I want to put it out there for your feedback and thoughts. As the ‘Hands’ part of the **Head, Heart and Hands** approach I am developing towards the response to peak oil, I am exploring structures and mechanisms that we can develop for driving localisation. The one I am focusing on at the moment is the ESCO, or Energy Supply Company, which is designed to provide people with the services that energy does, rather than the energy itself. ESCOs are often the tool used to

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Discussion: 4 Comments

Categories: Economics, Energy, Localisation, Peak Oil

23 Jan 2006

Photovoltaics you can wear… however did we get by without them?

solarcoatDepending on how you look at these things this is either photovoltaics making a noble crossover into the Brave New World of the mainstream, or an absurd waste of resources applied to rather pointless aims. A company called ScotteVest has produced a jacket with 52 pockets (!) which are all linked somehow by wires, to create what they call a ‘Personal Area Network’, and you can power the whole thing with a photovoltaic panel on the back, which the promotional literature describes as

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Discussion: Comments Off on Photovoltaics you can wear… however did we get by without them?

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil, Technology

20 Jan 2006

Jeremy Leggett’s Peak Oil in a Nutshell…

wellAs someone who always used to read the Guardian, I have to say that The Independent is really where it’s at these days. An excellent front page piece the other day about the reality of the cheap Chinese goods we now take for granted as we have dismantled all of our own manufacturing, and today, in a truly excellent, heartfelt and unusually indepth and deep article for a daily newspaper,

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Discussion: 2 Comments

Categories: Energy, Peak Oil

20 Jan 2006

If ever a Wiz a Wiz there Woz… The Wizard of Oz and Local Currencies

OzWell you probably knew it already, but it was news to me. Until I attended an excellent talk last night at Schumacher College by David Boyle of the New Economics Foundation, author of The Money Changers, I had no idea that The Wizard of Oz was actually written as an allegory of the gold-backed capitalist monetary system. Apparently although the book was published in 1900, it wasn’t until

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Discussion: 1 Comment

Categories: Economics

19 Jan 2006

Lovelock speaks – “Basically, we’re f*&%ed”.

LovelockWell he didn’t quite say that, but he did say, *”before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable”*, which amounts to much the same thing. His article in Monday’s Independent newspaper, ‘The Earth is about to catch a morbid fever that may last as long as 100,000 years’, was extremely sobering reading. His argument was that

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Discussion: 8 Comments

Categories: Climate Change