Transition Culture

An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

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30 Jul 2010

Something I didn’t show you before… Low Carbon Communities Challenge…

As a follow-up to the previous post, here is a short film that was made for the event that announced the 20 winners of the Low Carbon Communities Challenge, which features Transition Streets among the winners.

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1 Comment

Chris Rowland
30 Jul 12:43pm

Excellent film for LCCC and very well presented. Having failed to secure LCCC funding as part of a partnership in the Lewes District, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand I am gutted we did not also get funded, but on the other I am ‘really pleased’ for those who did. The LCCC was the kind of project that says communities are so willing to get on and make a difference, all they need is support and a LCCC did that. The new Coalition Government talks of devolving power to communities; let’s see what that means and how it will be executed. Perhaps the twenty LCCC communities will prove that we are all well with investing in? Well done Totnes and lets see other TT’s follow with support from the Coalition Government.